Posn Stage 13
SVP Motorsport 3
1.47 miles
13 30:54.5
219 31:48.4
34 31:53.1
423 32:10.3
57 32:28.7
610 32:46.6
75 32:47.5
86 32:48.9
91 33:10.3
1021 33:24.3
1122 33:35.9
1252 33:49.3
1329 33:51.3
1424 33:51.4
1574 33:52.3
1614 34:03.9
1757 34:07.2
1841 34:10.2
1938 34:10.9
2049 34:14.8
2176 34:16.4
2240 34:19.8
2348 34:26.9
2437 34:31.8
2528 34:39.0
2635 34:43.7
2732 34:45.1
2817 34:45.4
2978 34:51.4
3030 34:52.3
3116 34:55.3
3282 34:57.2
3312 35:02.7
3436 35:03.7
3579 35:07.4
3690 35:11.0
3715 35:36.8
38106 35:42.1
3950 35:58.1
4027 35:58.6
4139 36:02.1
429 36:03.3
43107 36:11.5
4442 36:16.5
4591 36:34.4
4666 36:34.6
4761 36:40.0
4834 36:40.2
4960 36:42.9
5070 36:43.8
5195 37:00.5
5267 37:05.6
5375 37:07.9
5497 37:13.3
5572 37:16.7
5655 37:23.1
5785 37:35.6
5871 37:37.5
5956 37:42.3
6054 37:49.2
6184 38:22.8
62114 38:33.2
6368 38:48.3
6444 38:59.2
6565 39:05.5
66100 39:29.2
67112 40:17.5
68111 40:46.0
69109 40:51.0
70104 41:00.2
7181 41:13.4
72115 41:24.7
73110 41:33.4
7499 42:00.8
75117 1:08:43.3
762 1:46:35.5
7758 1:51:38.7
7845 3:15:25.1

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 7th September 2019 at 18:20 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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