Posn Stage 1
Florida 1
3.14 miles
16 3:23
21 3:24
310 3:24
415 3:25
59 3:26
625 3:27
73 3:28
821 3:29
98 3:30
1020 3:31
1122 3:31
1211 3:32
1318 3:32
1423 3:33
157 3:34
1627 3:35
1726 3:36
1856 3:37
1937 3:38
2014 3:39
2132 3:39
2234 3:41
2331 3:44
2438 3:44
2535 3:45
2645 3:45
2758 3:47
2864 3:47
2939 3:49
3057 3:49
3140 3:54
3244 3:55
3353 3:56
3468 5:15

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 8th June 2019 at 17:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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