Posn Stage 1
Stage 1
3.76 miles
11 3:35
22 3:46
34 3:46
49 3:47
57 3:48
68 3:48
716 3:48
85 3:50
96 3:50
1029 3:50
1110 3:51
1219 3:56
1311 4:02
1414 4:02
1517 4:02
1613 4:03
1723 4:04
1821 4:05
1922 4:05
2025 4:05
2130 4:05
2243 4:06
2353 4:06
2418 4:07
2538 4:07
2650 4:07
2728 4:09
2848 4:11
2920 4:12
3039 4:12
3134 4:13
3231 4:15
3324 4:16
3467 4:16
3536 4:18
3641 4:18
3726 4:21
3846 4:21
3935 4:22
4040 4:22
4112 4:23
4232 4:23
4337 4:24
4433 4:25
4558 4:25
4673 4:25
4747 4:26
4854 4:26
4942 4:27
5044 4:27
5169 4:27
5264 4:30
5352 4:31
5457 4:33
5562 4:36
5656 4:37
5770 4:37
5865 4:38
5975 4:38
6045 4:39
6171 4:41
6263 4:43
6372 4:46
6455 4:47
6568 4:47
6649 4:49
6761 4:53
6866 4:57
6977 4:58
7060 5:02
7176 5:04
7278 5:05
7380 5:07
7474 5:14
7579 5:19

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 29th April 2018 at 17:30 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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