Posn Stage 1
8.26 miles
11 9:52
25 10:02
34 10:07
48 10:11
52 10:14
63 10:20
77 10:20
89 10:22
916 10:28
1022 10:28
1112 10:29
1214 10:30
1310 10:34
1418 10:36
1524 10:37
1611 10:38
1726 10:41
1827 10:41
1931 10:43
2015 10:45
2134 10:45
2223 10:54
2321 10:55
2430 10:59
2519 11:09
2643 11:09
2733 11:10
2832 11:12
2920 11:16
3035 11:16
3151 11:20
3239 11:21
3347 11:21
3428 11:23
3537 11:24
3650 11:26
3754 11:31
3842 11:32
3958 11:33
406 11:34
4136 11:34
4229 11:41
4346 11:42
4444 11:45
4545 11:52
4641 11:53
4760 11:55
4852 12:01
4949 12:03
5038 12:38
5140 12:38
5253 12:38
5348 12:42
5457 12:42
5556 12:52
5659 13:33
5717 14:00
5855 17:00
5925 30:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 11th September 2016 at 18:10 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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