Posn Stage 1
6.00 miles
14 7:29
23 7:36
32 7:40
41 7:41
55 7:48
628 7:50
720 7:54
812 7:55
915 7:56
1024 7:56
1135 7:56
1239 7:56
138 7:58
1410 7:59
156 8:05
1617 8:07
1732 8:08
1827 8:09
1955 8:10
2025 8:11
2151 8:11
229 8:12
2311 8:19
2434 8:19
2545 8:22
2614 8:23
2719 8:23
2833 8:23
297 8:27
3040 8:28
3130 8:30
3244 8:31
3342 8:33
3443 8:38
3536 8:41
3616 8:44
3752 8:44
3860 8:45
3946 8:50
4048 8:51
4123 8:53
4257 8:53
4358 9:04
4450 9:08
4547 9:25
4629 9:34
4765 10:30
4864 11:03
4966 11:30
5026 12:00
5149 12:00
5254 12:00
5359 12:00
5461 12:00
5562 12:00
5638 30:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 26th June 2016 at 17:50 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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