Posn Stage 1
Kings Crag 1
7.41 miles
Stage 2
Strawberry Bank 1
8.14 miles
11 7:411 8:12
23 8:053 8:34
34 8:194 8:34
47 8:346 8:55
511 8:397 9:01
66 8:4210 9:01
717 8:4411 9:01
810 8:4517 9:01
914 8:499 9:12
109 8:5212 9:16
1124 9:0129 9:16
1229 9:0116 9:20
132 9:0415 9:24
1415 9:052 9:25
1512 9:0919 9:37
1622 9:2122 9:39
1726 9:2126 9:49
1842 9:2123 9:54
1916 9:2218 9:58
2049 9:2342 9:58
2118 9:3520 10:00
2220 9:3543 10:03
2325 9:3525 10:04
2419 9:3648 10:17
2541 9:4534 10:20
2623 9:4840 10:25
2734 9:4845 10:29
2845 9:4932 10:34
2936 9:5247 10:38
3048 9:5530 10:48
3143 10:0051 10:49
3251 10:0538 10:56
3340 10:0944 11:00
3432 10:1824 11:01
3544 10:2127 11:02
3647 10:3239 11:27
3727 10:4335 11:39
3830 10:4931 12:26
3938 11:0233 12:41
4035 11:0741 14:00
4133 12:0314 16:17
4239 12:09 
4331 12:15 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 12th September 2015 at 16:15 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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