Posn Stage 1
5.40 miles
11 6:31
23 6:32
39 6:36
423 6:42
518 6:48
610 6:49
77 6:52
86 6:53
95 6:58
1024 6:58
118 6:59
1214 7:00
1322 7:03
1438 7:04
1511 7:05
1631 7:06
1749 7:07
1835 7:11
194 7:14
2043 7:15
2119 7:17
2230 7:17
2315 7:20
2428 7:20
2541 7:21
2625 7:23
2720 7:24
2836 7:25
2939 7:26
3016 7:30
3117 7:31
3248 7:32
3327 7:33
3452 7:34
3560 7:34
3640 7:36
3734 7:37
3833 7:38
3937 7:38
4029 7:41
4145 7:44
4221 7:45
4347 7:51
4444 7:54
4550 8:02
4653 8:04
4746 8:08
4859 8:08
4962 8:10
5054 8:17
5157 8:20
5256 8:53
5361 9:00
5458 9:05
5555 11:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 28th June 2015 at 18:10 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

Download PDF documents  - These will be available on non-event days.

Stage 7 was cancelled after timing dfficulties