Posn Stage 27
Lawrence 27
4.97 miles
11 6:08.3
22 6:09.8
38 6:10.8
43 6:12.3
530 6:15.6
611 6:19.8
720 6:19.8
836 6:22.4
931 6:22.8
1027 6:23.3
1112 6:26.0
1221 6:26.8
1326 6:28.2
147 6:30.2
1540 6:30.6
1652 6:31.3
1734 6:34.0
1848 6:34.2
1929 6:34.7
2028 6:35.0
2146 6:35.8
2216 6:37.4
2351 6:37.4
2424 6:38.1
2543 6:38.5
2653 6:40.1
2764 6:40.9
2841 6:41.2
2955 6:41.8
3074 6:43.0
3138 6:44.8
329 6:46.8
3345 6:47.0
3473 6:51.2
3550 6:51.3
3632 6:51.6
3757 6:55.8
3847 6:56.2
3959 6:59.0
4058 7:01.0
4172 7:04.1
4270 7:04.7
4366 7:06.7
4456 7:06.8
4562 7:08.3
4642 7:10.3
4778 7:14.5
4863 7:16.6
4980 7:18.0
5068 7:19.6
5182 7:24.8
5276 7:29.2
5337 7:30.5
5417 7:31.2
5583 7:35.4
5669 7:36.5
5775 7:41.4
5867 7:47.4
5922 7:48.0
6077 7:49.4
6184 7:56.3

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 13th October 2012 at 17:55 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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