Posn Stage 16
Greve 16
4.33 miles
Stage 17
Ouen 17
5.34 miles
Stage 18
Greve 18
4.33 miles
137 5:27.911 6:18.037 5:15.6
211 5:28.745 6:26.111 5:16.6
330 5:38.337 6:29.130 5:21.6
445 5:38.930 6:36.645 5:24.3
552 5:54.072 6:43.666 5:45.7
666 6:01.155 7:04.372 5:52.6
772 6:03.566 7:06.4 
855 6:06.582 7:16.0 
982 6:10.652 7:20.4 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 15th October 2011 at 18:20 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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